Personalized Tutoring for Children and Adults to Bridge the Education Gap

New Graduate: Derrick Terrell

A native Michiganian, 38-year-old Derrick has been working since after his 10th grade year – first as a sterilization technician, then at fast food, managing a warehouse for more than a decade and even worked for a year in Afghanistan.

That is the tenacity of Derrick though… he started life conquering a premature birth, shares similar childhood stories with too many urban youth, takes care of his extended family who he loves and is incredibly devoted to and was simply going along with the status quo of his life.

“My prematurity caused me to be smaller and skinnier than others, including my brothers,” says Derrick. “I’ve always had to rely on my brain to overcome and I always loved math and science. I just didn’t know the potential I had.”

Then in his mid-thirties, he decided to become a foster parent and the tide changed when he “felt a feeling I had never felt before” with those children.  Derrick said, “I wanted them to be able to come to me with any issue” and he wanted education to be one of those issues. Simultaneously, he knew he needed a trade and a diploma as he hoped his foster children would become his adopted children. His sisters had worked through the City of Detroit’s Skills for Life program and he saw them gainfully employed.

Derrick started studying for the GED in July 2023 also through the City of Detroit Skills for Life program (a five-day work week includes 3 days working for the City and 2 days studying for the GED).  Yet life’s hard knocks continued for him, even on his first day at SVSF Center a personal situation arose, but Derrick being Derrick he regrouped and preserved calling every day “a battle” inside himself and outwardly to get to the Center. He said the Center’s tutors helped him navigate himself and they motivated him to show up daily.

“Those people don’t have to do what they do, but they do it,” he says. “I had a blast going to that school. The tutors have to figure out how you learn – once you figure that out…  I liked it. I liked it.”    Derrick also says his tutor Michael looked at him like a little brother. “He knew was I was overthinking the work because of all I had going on in my life,” Derrick explains. “He would tell me to cut it all down in my head – he helped me; they all helped me.”

Derrick passed his GED test in May, was interviewed by our corporate partner Warren-based Doetsch Environmental Services and was employed about a week and half later.  He started traveling with Doestch the Monday after he received his diploma at the Center’s graduation ceremony. “I’m happy I’m alive and I’m happy where I’m at. I never really had the chance to be myself… until now,” says Derrick.

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